Mother's Day Bouquet

Mother's Day Bouquet


Give her the best of the garden with local flowers this mother’s day.

I have two options available for Mother’s Day Weekend:

1) Pre-order bouquets for pick up in Weston, Saturday May 11th. Bouquets are designer’s choice based on the best of what’s blooming in the garden at the time. It will be wrapped in paper and tied with a silk ribbon, hand dyed with flower petals. If there is a color she doesn’t like, I will do my best to accommodate. I’m making a limited number so please don’t wait if this is your choice. It will likely include tulips, ranunculus, anemones and other spring flowers. The photo shown is an example of the style, but will not necessarily be the colors used, as I make those decisions when I pick the day of!

2) The flower stand will be stocked, weather permitting, sunrise to sunset, Thurs-Sun, while supplies last with two sizes of bouquets. $35 and $55 available. These are not available for preorder. It’s first come first served until we sell out. 64 steep hill road, in Weston.

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